bust of tiberius ne demek?

Bust of Tiberius, also known as Tiberius Capitoline, is a Roman marble portrait bust of the Emperor Tiberius, created during the early 1st century AD. It is now in the Capitoline Museums in Rome.

The bust depicts Tiberius as a mature man with a balding head, receding hairline, and prominent facial features. He wears a toga over his shoulder and has a serious expression with deep-set eyes and a furrowed brow.

It is believed that the bust was commissioned by Tiberius himself shortly after he became emperor in 14 AD. The sculptor is unknown, but it is thought to be a masterful work of art, capturing the likeness and personality of the emperor.

The Bust of Tiberius is considered one of the finest examples of Roman portraiture and an important artifact of ancient Rome. It has been studied and admired by scholars and artists for centuries, and remains a popular attraction for visitors to the Capitoline Museums.